Über die Middle Way School in New York – Hudson Valley
Eine Schule, die auf der buddhistischen Sichtweise aus Weisheit und Mitgefühl fußt und im September 2018 mit einem altersgemischten Kindergarten und der ersten und zweiten Klasse eröffnen wird.
Mehr Informationen unter: http://middlewayschool.org/
Mission and Vision
The Middle Way School is the epicenter for Middle Way Education’s research and development of a new reform model of Buddhist education with a comprehensive curriculum and teaching methodology that can be used to create new schools, redefine existing schools, and support children’s programs around the world. Guided by a number of Buddhist teachers and scholars, Middle Way is not tethered to one single Buddhist tradition or path. It is said that the Buddha taught in 84,000 ways to meet the different needs and styles of students. The dharma travelled, and still travels, across cultures, picking up various cultural components and forming into three major yanas or schools of Buddhism. These yanas coexist harmoniously, and within them, there are many authentic paths an individual can pursue. This is the wealth of the dharma. We believe education should meet students creatively and precisely and we aspire to find our own 84,000 ways of teaching.
Middle Way Education is integrating these Buddhist wisdom traditions with progressive education in a contemporary setting to create a school that will pioneer an internationally recognized educational system, rooted in classical Buddhist wisdom traditions and building on the advancements of innovative education research, to create new preparatory schools around the world or redefine existing ones, for the benefit of individuals and society. Our aim is to create a comprehensive reform model of Buddhist education that prepares students to take their place in the modern world with the noble qualities of intelligence, compassion, and discipline, an understanding of emptiness and a motivation of bodhicitta.
Middle Way Education is incorporated as a not for profit organization in the State of Colorado. The Middle Way School is in the process of incorporating as an independent education organization in the State of New York. We will update the site when the charter is approved by the Education Department. A special grant from Khyentse Foundation has made this research and development possible.